What opportunities does BenefitsWorkshop offer a broker, consultant or insurance
company representative?
The BenefitsWorkshop does not have a sales force. Instead, we rely on
relationships with select brokers, consultants, and insurance companies
to market our services. The BenefitsWorkshop understands the importance
of providing quality products and services to all clients, and particularly
to those served our marketing partners. We realize you take a risk every
time you recommend a vendor to your clients. That is why we will strive
to exceed your expectations and those of your clients so you will be comfortable
recommending us to others.
We understand the importance of our marketing partners to our success, and we
also realize our place in the "big picture" of employee benefits. We realize
we are but a minor player. Our primary goal is to protect the relationship
between the partner and the client. We view our partners as
our primary customers. To that end, we will never attempt to get between you and
your client. We will keep you informed of any situations that warrant your attention
and we will never sell insurance. We have no ulterior motives.
We offer income opportunities and some unique marketing tools that can help you
grow your business. Please contact Larry Garrett at (904) 631-2629 or via e-mail at
Larry.Garrett@BenefitsWorkshop.com for more information.
Why not take advantage of this opportunity to offer your clients a
unique package of services that will truly enhance your clients'
employee benefit programs? Feel free to explore our web site. And if
you then believe your clients would appreciate the programs we have to
offer, please let us know by clicking the "Contact Us" button on any page.
For more information about the services we offer, click the "Continue" button.

Copyright © 2011. All rights reserved.
BenefitsWorkshop services are provided by JAG Enterprises, LLC.